Sam e Jamie, de Londres

aqui em casa sam and jamie

Confira, na seção Aqui em Casa, as dicas de Buenos Aires deixadas pelos nossos hóspedes.


Quem: Sam e Jamie

De onde: Londres, UK

Quando: outubro de 2015

Objetivo da viagem: Sam and Jamie vivem e trabalham em Londres – Jamie é fotógrafo e cineasta e Sam é Historiadora de Arte. Buenos Aires foi a primeira parada de uma viagem de oito meses que eles farão pela América Latina. Entraram para a lista dos hóspedes que ficaram mais tempo aqui em casa, já que em geral hospedamos por, no máximo, uma semana. Eles ficaram 14 dias! Convivência super tranquila. Daqui, seguem para a Patagônia argentina e depois rumo ao Chile, Bolívia e Peru. Vocês podem acompanhar o passeio pelo instagram da dupla.

Espiem também a página do Jamie, que é bem bacana.

E, sim, podem ficar com ciúmes – ele tem uma Leica. 

A dica dos hóspedes: Sam e Jamie deixaram três dicas de Buenos Aires, passeios que eles escolheram para recomendar. Um delas foi a pedalada que fizeram pela ciclovia, aqui de casa até Palermo, com parada no Full City Coffee House. Depois, a visita grátis, e guiada, pelo Museu Nacional de Belas Artes e, por fim, outro queridinho da casa, o Aramburu Bis. Como bônus tip, o jantar no Argentine Experience, que a gente aqui de casa também recomenda. Abaixo, os detalhes!

dicas de buenos aires_pedalada

Todas as fotos são do arquivo pessoal dos visitantes

Cycling for a Cold Brew at Full City Coffee House, Thames, Palermo

We cycled using the city’s cycle network from Gisele and Eduardo’s apartment to Thames in Palermo. The ride is about 25 minutes and the area is full of the typically cool and on-trend eateries and shops now so common in major city’s hipster neighbourhoods; burgers, bike shops, street food, sushi and so on. But we were here for coffee, and in particular Full City Coffee House. We’d recommend their Cold Brew if the sun is shining and you opted for the cycling option, or any of their hot coffee are particularly good. Nice setting, cosy decor and a super listenable playlist always playing. Our favourite place for late morning reading, a quick email check and some map checking and planning for the rest of the day.

dicas de buenos aires Museu Nacional de Belas Artes

Museu Nacional de Belas Artes

Museu Nacional de Belas Artes

Museu Nacional de Belas Artes

Free tour at the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes

Also very easy to access by bicycle is the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. A large coral orange coloured building sitting in front of the city’s law school (which you could mistake for a gallery) the museum houses a huge collection of iconic and historically significant works, both Argentine and European, which span the 19th and 20th century. This impressive collection caters to many art tastes and interests. The Latin American and the European works are excellently hung together showing the links, ideas and conversations which occurred across the Atlantic, particularly with the French academic style and salons during the 19th Century. The museum offers a free daily tour of the Argentine Works of art at 1pm in English, which is a great opportunity to gain an insight into the country’s history and to get familiar with some new artists!

Dinner at Aramburu Bis, Montserrat

Aramburu Bis is the little sister to the nearby Aramburu. Is operates as a training kitchen but nonetheless fully functioning restaurant. More than any other place we visited in the city this was the best advice we we given. The food was incredible, the menu concise, the wine excellent and the staff were brilliant. The fact that any of the chefs here are ‘training’ belies the fact that the restaurant created delicious and, compared to the typical BA dishes, unique plates. The bonus is that Aramburu Bis is very affordable. For a shared starter, two main courses, shared desert and wine we spent around 70 USD and were left very well fed (and word on the street is the lunchtime menu is even cheaper).

Bonus tip – The Argentine Experience, an immersive and super fun journey through the country’s food highlights based in Palermo, is absolutely as good as everyone says it is. If you have a little extra cash to hand and want one very memorable night with an empanada making contest, incredible steak and lots of wine, it is TOTALLY worth every cent!

1 Comment

  • Edu disse:

    Boa idea Gisele, mostrar as identidades, dicas e o perfil de nossos hóspedes em casa! “Ninguém de perto é normal”, gracas a deus.!

    Gostei da foto com nossos capacetes e nossas bikes!Foi uma muito boa experiencia.

    Uma pena nao ter interagido um pouco mais com eles na selecao de programas culturais para ver..

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